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Module 7 - Build a Culturally Inclusive Community
External Resource
Module 7: Cultural Inclusivity

Scroll to 'Build a Culturally Inclusive Community' part of the Enhancing Cultural Competence webpage. 

Module 7 - Pre-Travel Cultural Preparation
External Resource
Module 7: Cultural Inclusivity

Scroll to 'Pre-Travel Cultural Preparation' section of the Cultural Awareness Guidebook document. 

Module 7 - Cultural Inclusivity Framework Info Sheet
AFS-Created Resource
Module 7: Cultural Inclusivity

A framework for: 1) Building Awareness through Self-Reflection and Learning; 2) Implementation and Practice of Cultural Inclusivity, and 3) Ensuring Cultural Humility.

Module 6 - In the Field
Recommended Reading
Module 6: Keeping Diverse Field Teams Safe

ADVANCEGeo Partnership (2018). In the FieldSERC. Available at:

Module 6 - Applying an intersectionality lens to expand equity in the geosciences
Recommended Reading
Module 6: Keeping Diverse Field Teams Safe

Núñez, A.M., Rivera, J., & Hallmark, T. (2019). ‘Applying an intersectionality lens to expand equity in the geosciences.’ Journal of Geoscience Education68(2), 97–114. Available at: