The content you will be, or have already been, exposed to through the ADVANCEing FieldSafety online course will help you learn new tools and strategies to build and sustain a safe, welcoming field environment. However, if you are interested in learning how to operationalize the content from the online course in the field, we highly recommend that you and your field team take part in one of our debrief workshops.
The ADVANCEing FieldSafety Debrief Workshops build on the content of the ADVANCEing FieldSafety online and will help you and your team develop and practice course content such as building statements for codes of conduct and decision-making and bystander intervention techniques through real-world scenario discussions.
The debrief workshops will be offered monthly and limited to 20 participants. Interested in participating in a debrief workshop?
Sign up here!
Transforming the Course Content into Tools and Strategies for your Next Field Campaign
See the below graphic demonstrating how the tools and strategies developed throughout the ADVANCEing FieldSafety online course can be used in the field context.

Figure 1. Example format of a field campaign following the ADVANCEing FieldSafety course tools and strategies for creating a safe and welcoming field environment. Co-Dev stands for co-development. Many of the tools presented in this figure are tools and strategies that you will or have learn from the ADVANCEing FieldSafety Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). To learn more, please visit our MOOC landing page.
Interested in participating in a Debrief Workshop with the ADVANCEing FieldSafety Team?
The ADVANCEing FIeldSafety Debrief Workshops are currently being developed by members of our team. We hope to have sessions available for field teams and individuals in Fall 2024. Please consider signing up to our Newsletter to be the first to know when the Debriefs will be ready.