Module 2: Communication and Leadership

Module 2 - Debrief Template
AFS-Created Resource
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

A framework for briefing and debriefing to assist in practicing open communication between all team members.

Module 2 - Decision Making Styles Cheat Sheet
AFS-Created Resource
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

A cheat-sheet on the different decision-making styles: their pros, cons and potential pitfalls.

Module 2 - Guide to Facilitation
AFS-Created Resource
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

Tools and techniques to aid you in your journey of becoming a good facilitator.

Module 2 - Leadership Styles Exercise
External Resource
Module 2: Communication and Leadership
Module 2 - Dealing with Disruptive Behaviors in Meetings
Recommended Reading
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

Office for Coastal Management, NOAA (2024). Dealing with Disruptive Behaviors in Meetings. Available at:


Module 2 - Facilitation
Recommended Reading
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

Facilitation (no date). NASCO. Available at:

Module 2 - Discover Your Decision Making Style
Recommended Reading
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

Kent State University (2024). Discover Your Decision Making Style. Available at:

Module 2 - CLEAR Lab Book: ‘Facilitation’ and ‘Consensus-based decision making’
Recommended Reading
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

CLEAR (2021). CLEAR Lab Book: A living manual of our values, guidelines, and protocols, V.03. St. John’s, NL: Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. pp 51-53, ‘Facilitation’ and ‘Consensus-based decision making’. Available at:

Module 2 - Field Team Leadership: Strategies for Successful Field Work
Recommended Reading
Module 2: Communication and Leadership

Pettit, E. (no date). Field Team Leadership: Strategies for Successful Field WorkICE: exploring, learning, teaching. Available at: