Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

Module 1 & 6 - Pre-Field Accommodations Survey
AFS-Created Resource
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating HazardsModule 6: Keeping Whole Field Teams Safe

A template for group members to frontload their accommodation needs and preferences to those who are managing the logistics of field life, before entering the field.

Module 1 - Anonymous Reporting Form
AFS-Created Resource
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

This form allows you to anonymously report misconduct that you have experienced or witnessed.

Module 1 - In-Team Safety and Communication (ITSAC) Plan
AFS-Created Resource
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

An In-Team Safety and Communication (ITSAC) plan addresses the internal risk management avenues within a field team – in terms of people, reporting processes, communication pathways, and tools like transportation and communication devices.

Module 1 - Pre-Field Emergency Reference Sheet
AFS-Created Resource
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

The pre-field emergency reference sheet template is a form intended to help collate and organize important information that will help you respond to an emergency in the field.

Module 1 - Rockfalls as a hazard to mountaineers in high mountain areas
Recommended Reading
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

Petley, D. (2024). Rockfalls as a hazard to mountaineers in high mountain areasEos. Available at:

Module 1 - Field Research Safety
Recommended Reading
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

University of California, Santa Barbara (2024). Field Research SafetyUCSB Environmental Health & Safety. Available at:

Module 1 - Step by Step guide to the High Risk Fieldwork Risk Assessment
Recommended Reading
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

University of Leeds (2014). ‘Step by Step guide to the High Risk Fieldwork Risk Assessment’. Available at:…

Module 1 - Safety Guidelines for Field Researchers
Recommended Reading
Module 1: Preparing and Evaluating Hazards

University of California, Berkeley (no date). ‘Safety Guidelines for Field Researchers’. Available at:…